The Archdiocese informed us that the following guidelines will be effective with the start of Restore Illinois Phase 5 beginning Friday, June 11th, unless otherwise noted. Please note that guidance specific to school-related activities will be addressed separately.
Capacity All capacity restrictions are lifted. Masses, liturgies, sacramental celebrations, parish/school events and the parish office may resume 100% capacity beginning June 11th. Physical Distancing Physical distancing is NOT required for vaccinated persons. Physical distancing of 6 feet, is recommended by public health authorities, when possible, for unvaccinated persons. We will not be checking vaccination cards, and encourage everyone to be respectful of those around you, and these guidelines. Masks Masks are NOT required for vaccinated persons. Masks are recommended by public health authorities for unvaccinated persons, particularly in crowded indoor venues. Hand Sanitizing The use of hand sanitizer is no longer required, but be will be made available n our churches, school and parish office. Use of hand wipe packets also will be optional before receiving Holy Communion. Masses and Liturgies Registration for Mass is no longer required at this time. Proof of vaccination is not required to attend any liturgy or service. Congregational signing, oral responses, and use of worship aids may resume. The Sign of Peace is restored. Please be sensitive to the comfort level of those around you. Receiving Holy Communion on the tongue may resume. Distributing and receiving Holy Communion in the cup remains suspended at this time. Sacrament of Reconciliation We may resume the use of our Reconciliation Rooms at this time. Be advised, however, that Fr. Javier prefers to continue to hear confessions at the front of church at St. Philip on Wednesdays. Social Gatherings Social gatherings may resume while incorporating the guidance on masks and physical distancing as noted above. Thank You We want to thank you for your patience and understanding through these past 15 months. We are particularly thankful to those volunteers and staff members who came together during this difficult time to be the Body of Christ for one another in so many ways. Let us continue to pray for an end to the pandemic around the world, and for all those who have died from COVID-19. Comments are closed.
February 2025
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& OFFICE HOURS The Divine Mercy Parish office is located at our Sacred Heart Church site, 1077 Tower Road in Winnetka, and is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. It's always helpful to call first! TELEPHONE NUMBER > 847-446-0856 |