You must register to attend the event. Once they reach capacity, the signup will no longer function. Use the Access Code SSJFX2024 and Click Here to Register.
Come get your car washed on May 18th from 1-4 p.m. in the Sacred Heart Church parking lot to support our Teen Council as they raise funds for their activities in the next year.
You can click here to make your donation now or see other alternatives to pay above. Join us at the 10am Mass at Sacred Heart Church to celebrate new life in our parish! If you've celebrated the baptism of a child or you yourself have been baptized, received or completed your initiation into the Catholic Church in the last few years, come celebrate! The work of the Holy Spirit is evident at Divine Mercy, and we want to celebrate that on the day Christ sent us the Holy Spirit - Pentecost! JOIN US!
Celebrate with our First Communicants with a look back at their preparation for the big day!
Attention all knitters or would-be knitters. Mark your calendar for the next gathering of the Interfaith Knitting Group on Monday, May 13, from 4 - 6 pm at Glencoe Union Church.
Our goal is to provide warm hats for immigrants next fall. We will have yarn and hat patterns available unless you prefer to bring your own. Glencoe Union Church is providing yarn for this start-up phase and North Shore United Methodist Church made a generous donation to help fund yarn as well. Please bring size 10, 24-inch circular needles. If you want to bring your own yarn and use our patterns, make sure the yarn is "superwash" wool and a “chunky” weight. All are welcome, so please help us spread the word! Congratulations to Bobbie Weiss, the Divine Mercy Woman of the Year. She is pictured here with Fr. Kartje and other parishioners as she received the Vicariate 1 award from the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. Bobbie has given so much of her time, energy and love to the parish in so many ways through the years. She coordinates hospitality at St. Philip, served on the Children's Ministry Board for years and still helps out when needed, helps coordinate our efforts with Hunger Heroes to help our local food pantries fight hunger, just to name a few of the important ministries she has served at St. Philip and Divine Mercy. Congratulations and thank you, Bobbie!
February 2025
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& OFFICE HOURS The Divine Mercy Parish office is located at our Sacred Heart Church site, 1077 Tower Road in Winnetka, and is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. It's always helpful to call first! TELEPHONE NUMBER > 847-446-0856 |